Leica Chiroptera-5 Bathymetric & Topographic LiDAR

Superior point density and depth penetration for coastal and inland water surveys

Header Image Chiroptera-5

Efficient Workflow

Near real-time data processing enables coverage analysis immediately after landing, allowing operators to QC the data quickly before demobilising the system. The Leica LiDAR Survey Studio (LSS) processing suite provides full waveform analysis and offers automatic calibration, refraction correction and data classification.

Evolving Applications

Combining superior resolution, depth penetration and topographic sensitivity, Chiroptera-5 provides best-in class productivity for various environmental applications such as shoreline erosion monitoring, flood simulation, prevention and benthic habitat classification, habitat mapping and archeological discovery.


Chiroptera-5 の優れたセンサー性能を利用することで、ユーザーは毎回測量飛行でより多くのデータを収集し、広域の水没地形や物体を細部にわたって捉えます。センサーは安定取付部に適合するよう設計され、運用コストを抑えながら、より効率的なエリアカバレッジを提供します。

Operational Flexibility

Bundled with FAA/EASA certified helicopter pod, Chiroptera-5 enables advanced terrain-following flying paths for efficient river mapping and complex coastal surveys​. Owners of previous generation system are offered an easy upgrade to add capabilities to their existing sensor.



新しい Leica Chiroptera-5 のメリットを知るには、このウェビナーをご覧ください。
新しい Leica Chiroptera-5 のメリットを知るには、このウェビナーをご覧ください。

Contact us

Get in touch with Leica Geosystems' sales and support team for airborne bathymetric sensors.
Get in touch with Leica Geosystems' sales and support team for airborne bathymetric sensors.