Leica iCON – Rozwiązania budowlane

Leica iCON to rozwiązanie skrojone dla inżynierów budownictwa, którzy muszą transformować dane projektowe w rzeczywistość, dokonywać pomiarów i weryfikować realizację projektów budowlanych każdego rodzaju. Łatwe, oparte na procesach roboczych zastosowania w różnych zadaniach dotyczących budownictwa, w tym budownictwa ciężkiego, pozwalają zwiększyć szybkość, dokładność i produktywność pracy, a jednocześnie zminimalizować pomyłki i poprawki.

Rozwiązania iCON dla robót ziemnych

As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.
As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.

Rozwiązania iCON dla robót fundamentowych

As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.
As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.

Rozwiązania iCON dla konstrukcji

As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.
As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.

Rozwiązania iCON dla instalacji MEP / HVAC

As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.
As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.

Rozwiązanie iCON do wykańczania wnętrz

As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.
As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.

Rozwiązanie iCON do Szablonów

As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.
As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.