Leica ADS100 Airborne Digital Sensor

Higher acquisition efficiency, increased image quality, reduced flight time and fastest processing speed

Leica ADS100 Airborne Imaging Sensor

Leica ADS100 SH100 and SH120 airborne digital sensor

The Leica ADS100 product family continues to lead the path of airborne evolution. With its number of unique features, it is designed to meet the needs of 21st century airborne imaging with higher image quality, enhanced accuracy, improved acquisition efficiency, higher processing speed, more applications and reduced costs. Its newer variant, the SH120 with its 120mm long focal length for increased ground resolution is designed for urban mapping or high altitude data collection.

Discover enhanced image quality 

  • Full multispectral colour swath width of 20000 pixels in RGBN for highest data acquisition efficiency
  • Enhanced sensitivity and expanded operational envelope  with selectable TDI stages
  • Full colour RGBN in forward, nadir and backward for more flexible stereo interpretation

Reduce your flight time

  • Improved cycle time to acquire smaller GSDs at faster speed
  • The 120mm focal length increases ground resolution, making the ADS100 SH 120 the perfect sensor for high altitude data collections and urban mapping

Experience the fastest processing workflow

  • Embedded Novatel SPAN GNSS/IMU with tightly coupled processing to reduce fuel consumption
  • End-to-end workflow from mission planning with Leica MissionPro to orthophoto and point cloud generation with Leica XPro

Common sensor platforms

In addition, the Leica ADS100 product family supports a unified aircraft installation. Significantly reduce cost of ownership and simplify operations when all aircraft components, such as Leica PAV100 high-performance, camera controller CC33 as well as operator and pilot displays, can be shared with other Leica Geosystems airborne sensors.

Leica ADS100 SH100 and SH120 – Leading airborne evolution. Contact us today for a demo.

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