
Andrew Allen

Andrew Allen

is the Product Manager for Leica Geosystems, based in the United Kingdom.

Renata Barradas Gutierrez

Renata Barradas Gutiérrez

is the Editor of Reporter magazine and Communications Specialist for Hexagon Geosystems,
based in Switzerland.

Penny Boviatsou

Penny Boviatsou

is the Communications Specialist for Hexagon Geosystems, based in Switzerland.

Christian H. Calderón Arteaga

Christian H. Calderón Arteaga

is the Senior Technical Support Specialist for Hexagon Mining, based in the United States.

Christine Grahl

Christine Grahl

is the Content Marketing Manager for Leica Geosystems, based in the United States.

Tim Jervis

Tim Jervis

is the Business Development Manager for Global Survey, based in New Zealand.

Beate Wesenigk

Beate Wesenigk

is the Central Europe Marketing Manager for Leica Geosystems, based in Germany.

Karina Lumholt

Karina Lumholt

is the Content Marketing Manager for the Machine Control Division of Leica Geosystems,
based in Denmark.

Monica Miller Rodgers, APR

Monica Miller Rodgers, APR

is the Communications Director for Hexagon Geosystems, based in United States.

Bernd Moeller

Bernd Moeller

is the Business Director for Field Software Solutions at Leica Geosystems,
based in Switzerland.
Fred Prozzillo

Fred Prozzillo

is the Vice President of Preservation at The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation,
based in the United States.

Tamara Stakic

Tamara Stakic

is the Marketing Manager for Leica Geosystems, based in Australia.

Jing-long Xie

Jing-long Xie

is the Product and Application Engineer for Leica Geosystems, based in China.

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Reporter 84

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