Mastering big data in mines

Chapter 2: Hexagon Mining solution selected

Mastering big data in mines

Hexagon Mining solution selected

Hexagon Mining’s fleet management solution, Jigsaw, was among six systems evaluated by CDM to help solve these issues. After careful analysis, CDM selected Jigsaw.

“The best option was Hexagon Mining,” said CDM’s Dispatch Manager Victor Rodriguez. “The evaluation process was done in the form of a cost evaluation, as well as with a group of people who visited various mines. Most of them were in Chile and observed firsthand the Jigsaw system working.”

Less than two months later, initial hardware and software were deployed and CDM went live with Jigsaw. CDM began officially logging reports with Jview, Hexagon Mining’s business intelligence suite shortly after.

The system installation included a room for the dispatch in the highest part of the mine. This offered a full view of mine operations via visual controls. Three 52-inch screens were installed to display different dashboard views of the mine. Each dispatcher was supplied with three additional 32-inch screen displays. The smaller screens manage the roads on Jview and allow for realtime reports. The other dispatcher handles control of the operation and production equipment, including loaders and trucks.

For CDM, the core implementation timeframe from first installment to go-live was roughly three months. Like most mines, CDM’s overriding objective is to produce more while lowering costs. Armed with Hexagon Mining’s fleet management solution, CDM was quickly able to increase safe mining operations and production output, while managing cost, quality and control.

Explore next chapter: Real-time information for better decision making

Story: Mastering big data in mines
Chapter 1: Three challenges to overcome
Chapter 2: Hexagon mining solution selected
Chapter 3: Real-time information for better decision making

Reporter 74 - May 2016

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