Priority Registration Ends Early Bird Registration Begins for HxGN LIVE 2015



If you haven’t already registered for HxGN LIVE in Las Vegas, time is almost out to sign up at the Priority Rate of only $699. Today is the last day to grab this incredible savings of $650 off the regular price.

Tomorrow, the Early Bird Registration of $749 begins. With $600 in savings, this is a great opportunity to fulfill that New Year’s resolution to gain more professional development.

With trainings and presentations in 3D city modeling, smart iCON solutions, BIM and GNSS throughout the four sub-tracks within the Hexagon Geosystems Track, you have the chance to learn and reach your professional goals.

Convince the Boss

Need help explaining the benefit of the conference to your employer? Download this helpful justification letter to show them just how serious an asset you are to the business.

See you in Las Vegas!


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전세계 고객이 라이카의 다양한 솔루션으로 변화를 실현하는 방법을 확인할 수 있습니다.


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