Videos: Leica iCON – How to guides

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Leica Geosystems iCON offers customers seven new informative videos. These videos demonstrate how to use the setup pilot on the iCON robot 60 or for example, how to use the CubeSearch and TargetSnap functions with simple and easy-to-understand visuals.

Also see for yourself the many production stages and how many tests of endurance the iCON robot 60 has to endure before being delivered to customers at company headquarters in Heerbrugg, Switzerland.

Watch the videos:

Leica iCON robot 60 - The Making of

Leica iCON robot 60 - Setup Pilot

Leica iCON robot 60 - CubeSearch TargetSnap

Leica iCONstruct - How to As Built App

Leica iCONstruct - How to Layout Lines App

Leica iCONstruct - How to Point MEP Layout App

Leica iCONstruct - How to Volumes App


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