Leica Pegasus TRK100 Mobile Mapping System

Entry-level mobile mapping solution for efficient data collection, ideal for small-scale urban planning and asset management projects.

Leica Pegasus TRK100

  • Dual scanner with 600,000 measurements per second
  • 32 beams with crossed line point cloud pattern
  • MatchPoint point cloud refinement
  • Weight 14kg
  • Dual scanner with 600,000 measurements per second
  • 32 beams with crossed line point cloud pattern
  • MatchPoint point...


With the introduction of the unique MatchPoint technology, the Leica Pegasus TRK100 enhance and optimise clarity of points for improved accuracy of asset mapping.

With the introduction of the unique MatchPoint technology, the Leica Pegasus TRK100 enhance and optimise clarity of points for improved accuracy of asset mapping.

Map what is where

Simplified data mapping to create your maps, your way. Built for large-scale infrastructure measurement and digital twin creation this powerful, lightweight and easy-to-use geospatial tool helps you to map what is where. Location intelligence was never easier to achieve.

Know what is where

Collect data and capture asset information quickly and autonomously, so you know what is where. Capture complete, large corridors with the SmartFusion camera system. Crisp, clear objects are more defined. MatchPoint technology and multibeam scanning deliver shadow-free point clouds. Knowing what assets are where was never easier.

See what is where

Fundamental location intelligence for georeferenced visual datasets within minutes to see what is where. Modular imaging system adds more cameras so no detail goes unnoticed. Capture vertical arches in high resolution for damage analysis or cast the eye up to see horizontal features like street signs or civic numbers in the thousands. Add a rear camera to focus on the road so no pot-hole is missed. 

Rotation-tilt Mount

Additional features


  • MatchPoint technology in combination with multibeam scanning patterns delivers crisp and shadow-free point clouds
  • MatchPoint technology in combination with multibeam scanning patterns delivers crisp and shadow-free point clouds

Power that lasts the day

  • The Leica Pegasus TRK100 battery unit lasts up to 8h 
  • Integrates an ingenious transportation mode for easy storage and shipping of Li-Ion batteries in line with IATA cargo regulations UN3481. 
  • The Leica Pegasus TRK100 battery unit lasts up to 8h 
  • Integrates an ingenious transportation mode for easy storage and shipping of Li-Ion batteries in line with IATA cargo regulations UN3481. 

Designed to last

  • IP67 during operation, fully dust-tight and withstands temporary immersion under water

  • Withstands 4G shocks, ISO9022, MIL-STD-810H

  • IP67 during operation, fully dust-tight and withstands temporary immersion under water

  • Withstands 4G shocks, ISO9022, MIL-STD-810H


  • Post processing [X,Y], [Z]: 19mm, 11mm
  • RTK [X,Y], [Z]: 21mm, 13mm
  • Post processing [X,Y], [Z]: 19mm, 11mm
  • RTK [X,Y], [Z]: 21mm, 13mm

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